Einstein Family Guide

If your Child is absent…

To report your child’s absence and the reason, call the school before the start of class on the day of the absence. Attendance is taken for all students daily.

If your child is unable to attend school, please call your school attendance line to report the absence and the reason, before the start of the school day. Please ensure you call even if your child is missing only part of the day (for example, to attend a doctor’s appointment). Please call each day your child is absent.

Students who are absent will not be allowed to attend or participate in after-school activities on the day of their absence. If your child misses more than six days in a trimester, a note from the doctor can be required before the absence is excused. If notes from the doctor are not received, your child could be considered truant. Please restrict vacations and other nonessential absences to days when school is not in session.

Einstein Attendance Line: (630) 736-2502


Unexcused tardies are not permitted. Tardiness is a form of truancy. If a child is repeatedly late or is absent many days, district officials will work with local law enforcement agencies and the Cook County Regional Office of Education and use conferences, counseling and tutoring to improve student attendance. Truancy Policy

Einstein loves celebrating birthdays! In order to accommodate dietary restrictions and keeping all of students safe, we ask for families to refrain from sending any edible treats. We can still celebrate in other ways! You are welcome to bring goodie bags with your favorite items to share with classmates. 

Our Einstein calendar includes information such as

  • Student Non-Attendance Days
  • Pizza Fridays
  • Hot Lunch Days
  • PTA Snack Days
  • Special School Events (Donuts with Grown Ups, School Musical) 

Einstein offers a variety of clubs for students in 1st through 6th grade!  

Some of the amazing clubs offered here at Einstein include:

  • Battle of the Books
  • Club Unify
  • Coding 
  • GEMS
  • Lunch Club
  • Rocketry
  • Sports
  • Student Ambassadors
  • Volleyball
  • Yearbook

More information on clubs, including which clubs are offered at which grade levels, will be shared with families later in the year and be accessible on our Einstein Clubs webpage.

Be on the lookout for sign-up information throughout the school year!

The 2024-2025 School Year Conferences will be held on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26.  More information regarding conferences will come out closer to the conference window.

Designated conference days will only occur in the Fall.  However, you may contact your child’s teacher to request a time to connect regarding your child’s progress at any point in the school year.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at (630) 736-2500 or your child’s teacher directly.  The staff directory can be accessed here.

main office




Portal Support

[email protected]

staff Contact Information

Staff Directory

8:25 am – 8:45 am: Parking lot closed for Drop-off

8:30 am – 8:40 am: Student Arrival

  • Please note that arrival after 8:40 am is considered tardy.  After this time, please walk your child inside the main office and sign them in.

8:40 am – 8:45 am: Morning Announcements

8:45 am – 3:00 pm: Instructional Time

2:55 pm – 3:10 pm: Parking lot closed for Dismissal

3:00 pm: Dismissal

  • Please note on Wednesdays the parking lot is closed from 2:25 pm – 2:40 pm due to Early Dismissal at 2:30 pm. 

Lunch/Recess Information & Schedule

Half Days:

  • 8:30 am -11:40 am
  • Please note students do not eat lunch at school on Half Days 


Students in Grades K through 2nd will be issued District-provided iPads for instructional use during the school day.

iPads will not be sent home with students.

Optional Device Coverage for your child’s iPad can be purchased at the beginning of the school year.  The Protection Plan form and instructions can be accessed here.


Students in Grades 3rd through 6th will be issued District-provided Chromebooks for instructional use during the school day.

Chromebooks will be sent home with students daily.  Please be sure students return each day with their Chromebook fully charged.

Optional Device Coverage for your child’s Chromebook can be purchased at the beginning of the school year.  The Protection Plan form and instructions can be accessed here.

Einstein has our very own in house Food Pantry during the school year! If you are experiencing a need related to food and/or shoes and outerwear, these resources are available to you. Each family is able to place one order each month. To access the Food Pantry, use the Google Form link.

Please contact Michelle Roth at 630-736-2530 or [email protected]

District 54 provides free lunches and milk for those students from households that meet federal guidelines.

How Do I Register my Child for This Program?

  • To receive free lunches and milk for your child, you must complete an application and return it to school. Please note that incomplete applications cannot be processed or approved
  • Only one application per household is needed. 
  • Applications for free lunch must be renewed each year. 

Where Can I Get an Application?

  • Hard Copy Applications can be picked up from the Main Office.
  • Electronic Copies can be accessed here:

Who Can I Contact for More Questions?

  • Please contact the Main Office at (630) 736-2500 with any questions. 

When are Applications Due?

  • Applications are accepted at any time; however, please return all applications as soon as possible to ensure your child is receiving lunch and milk.

Parent Portal

Parent portal allows you to register your child for school, access report cards, and see your child’s attendance records. For assistance on your parent portal please reach out to [email protected].

Parent Square

Weekly messages from our principal are sent to your email and phone number connected to your student’s account. This is a great way to keep up with the happenings at Einstein! Teacher communication can also come through Parent Square! You will need to activate your Parent Square account. 

District 54 staff work with parents and students to keep students healthy. However, sometimes students do get sick. We appreciate the fact that our parents have been diligent about keeping their children home when they are sick and notifying our school office.

If children are vomiting or have a fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater), they will be sent home and parents will be advised to keep sick children home for at least 24 hours after they stop vomiting or do not show signs of fever, without using fever-reducing drugs (any medicine that contains ibuprofen or acetaminophen).


All students must be up-to-date with physical examination and immunization requirements. All completed forms must be turned into the School Nurse Office. 

Physical Exam: The Illinois School Code requires that children entering preschool, kindergarten (or first grade if kindergarten was not attended) and sixth grade must have had a physical exam within one year prior to starting that grade level. Students of any age transferring from a school outside Illinois must also have had a physical within the last year. School Physical Form (Spanish Physical Form) Click here for a list of clinics that offer physicals and immunizations.

Immunizations: All immunizations must be current according to the requirements of the Illinois School Code. Students who fail to comply will be excluded from school. List of Immunization Requirements by Grade Level. Information regarding Meningococcal Disease and the vaccine can be accessed on the Illinois Department of Public Health website. If you would like to apply for religious exemption of immunizations, please complete the Illinois Religious Exemption Instructions and Form

Dental Exam: Students in kindergarten, second and sixth grade also must have had a dental exam within 18 months of May 15th of that school year. Dental Examination Form (Spanish Dental Form)

Eye Exam: All children enrolling in kindergarten or entering an Illinois school for the first time must provide proof of an eye exam completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist or proof of an appointment for an eye exam no later than October 15th. District 54 vision screening is not a substitute for a complete evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to be screened if you submit a form signed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist indicating that an exam has been administered in the previous 12 months. Eye Exam Form  Eye Exam Waiver

Vision and hearing: Screening will be conducted in School District 54 as per the Illinois Department of Public Health rules and regulations. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor.

Click to access other forms and procedures. The school nurse can be contacted at 630-736-2101.

Throughout the school year, Einstein students are provided the opportunity to purchase cheese pizza for lunch on Friday. Pizza sales help provide some of the free events for our families, along with funding some of the things the students enjoy during the school day, like assemblies, gym equipment, etc. Pizza is $3 per slice and money is due by 9:00am on Thursday morning so that we can adequately order for the following day. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate late orders. Pizza Friday dates and vendors can be found on our website calendar.

In order for your child to be able to purchase cheese pizza, please complete the Einstein Pizza & Treat Permission. If you have more than one child, please submit one form for each child you have.

Join the pta

The PTA provides our students with several opportunities throughout the year. Hot lunch, Field Day, and our morning gatherings are a few examples of how our PTA supports our Einstein students. These opportunities are possible due to the volunteers and PTA memberships. Please click on the link below to become an Einstein PTA member! Each membership makes a significant difference for our students!

PTA Membership Link

Our new monthly newsletter “The Hoot” is coming to an inbox near you. It will contain all upcoming dates and information from the PTA. You can also follow the PTA on their Facebook page or learn more on our website page.

PTA offers hot lunch from local restaurants throughout the year. Hot Lunch will be offered once-a-week, and we’re partnering with Marla’s Lunch to bring you more vendors and ordering options. Setup an account and start ordering on Marla’s website.

  • Ordering Lockout is TUESDAY at 12pm NOON for the following week


1. Click on Create an Account
2. Click on New to Boonli and enter One-Time School Password: TD351 (case sensitive)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please enter YOUR information for the account registration and enter the STUDENT information for the profile(s)

PAYMENT INFORMATION: The program accepts payment by Debit Card or Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard & Discover and ACH/ECheck Program

QUESTIONS: Email [email protected] or call 224.269.0068

TECHNICAL SUPPORT (help navigating the site): Email [email protected] or call 800.381.6511

Families can log in to their child’s record on our parent portal and see report cards, current grades, absences, demographic information and assessment information. Report cards will be available shortly after the end of each trimester. 

Grades and attendance information on the report card become a part of a student’s permanent record. Parents and students have the right to view a child’s records. Click here to read the District 54 Student Records Policy.

Student Supply Lists for Kindergarten through 6th grade can be found using the link on our website.


Einstein loves celebrating birthdays! In order to accommodate dietary restrictions and keeping all of students safe, we ask for families to refrain from sending any edible treats. We can still celebrate in other ways! You are welcome to bring goodie bags with your favorite items to share with classmates. 


Each spring, students in District 54 take federally mandated assessments (IAR) designed to help school districts understand how our students are growing academically. IAR testing assesses students in the areas of English Language Arts and Math. These assessments are for our students in grades 3-6. 

Testing Reminders

  • Please have students in attendance and on time for testing days
  • Make sure devices are charged
  • Remember to eat breakfast


  • Students may enter the building beginning at 8:30 with the first bell.
  • The Second bell rings at 8:40.
  • Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:40. A parent will need to sign the student in.
  • Half day dismissal is at 11:40 and there are no lunch periods.
  • The parking lot is closed from 8:20 to 8:45 and 2:55 to 3:10.
  • Wednesday the parking lot is closed at 8:20 and 8:45 and 2:25 to 2:40. 

Bus Transportation

District 54’s Transportation Services Department works in conjunction with school personnel, First Student transportation company and families to provide a safe and efficient service.

Routes and Stops

School bus routes and stops are determined by District 54’s Transportation Services Department on the basis of safety, efficiency and student ridership. Bus routes, stops or times may be altered by District 54’s Transportation Services Department if ridership changes during the school year. Scheduled bus route stop times are set as a general guide. 

Students are expected to ride to and from school on their assigned buses. Students may only get on and off the bus at their assigned stops. It is the district’s long-standing practice that a child must have consistent pick-up and drop-off points to ensure student safety. Parents or guardians must notify the school in writing if permission is given for a student to walk, rather than ride, to and from school.

Forms of bussing and transportation policies can be viewed on School District 54’s website.