
August 14, 2024
Dear Einstein Families,

We had a great Back to School Event! Thank you for joining us as we are anticipating the first day of school!
We are very excited to have a new playground, however we are still under construction. We are working with the construction company to ensure a safe and smooth arrival and dismissal. If you are planning on dropping off in the back cul-de-sac, please do not park. This is a Kiss and Go Lane. There will be staff directing our students to the building as they will be entering Door 10. We ask that students walk in the grass area closer to the white fences. If you choose to walk with your child, please park down the block. We appreciate your patience and will keep you updated as any changes may occur. 

*If you child arrives after 8:40AM, you will need to escort them to the front door and sign them in. Our staff is in the building at 8:40AM to start the instructional day, therefore all doors are closed at this time. 
*Please call 630-736-2500 to report any absences.  

We look forward to welcoming our students tomorrow!
Julie Tarasiuk and Dan Aguilar 

First Day of School for 1st through 6th grade – August 15, 2024
We would love our parent community to join us in welcoming all of our Einstein Owls back to school. We will be lined up outside of our front door (Door 1) with staff and families to form a celebration tunnel as students walk in the building at 8:30am.
All classroom teachers will be in their classrooms waiting for all of our students. We will also have staff in the hallways to escort your child once they enter the building if they need assistance.
For safety reasons, adults will not be able to accompany students into the building. 

Arrival & Dismissal
School hours are 8:40am – 3:00pm.  Please note, beginning Wednesday, August 21st, every Wednesday is designated for staff development.  Students are dismissed 30 minutes early at 2:30pm.
We open our doors to welcome all students in at 8:30, this is when our 1st bell rings and adult supervision begins. Our second bell rings at 8:40, as the start of the school day. Class begins promptly at 8:40. If your child arrives after 8:40, you will be asked to escort your child to the building and sign them in.

All children will enter through Door 1 (front door) or Door 10 (behind the school) or Door 13 (facing the front parking lot).  Students riding the bus will enter through Door 1. Students riding the bus who are in our Instructional Classrooms will enter through Door 14. For safety reasons, adults will not be able to accompany students into the building.
The parking lot remains closed from 8:25-8:45 and 2:55-3:10 for student safety. On Wednesdays, due to early dismissal, the parking lot will be closed from 2:25-2:40.
When dropping off students, there will be a crossing guard at the intersection of Laurie Lane and Kensington. We are very fortunate to have a crossing guard to safely guide our children during arrival and dismissal.
Please familiarize yourself with the parking/safety signs along Laurie Lane and Kensington. Please note, the cul-de-sac behind the school does not allow for parked vehicles. This area is a Kiss N’ Go area. Please do not exit your vehicles as this can result in a traffic ticket. 
Please note the door your child(ren) will dismiss from after school. If you have multiple children dismissing, please have them select a designated area outside to meet at. Click here for the map
Car riders who are in Kinder, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders will exit Door #10 (back of the building)
Car riders who are in 4th and 5th grades will exit Door #13 (towards the front of the building)
Car riders who are in 6th grade will exit Door #14 (towards the front of the building)